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We provide that service.

Use our AI to generate, personalize, and share detailed interview forms. Prepare by accessing materials such as tips, mock interviews, and expert insights. Our AI-powered generator can help you create distinctive resumes in minutes, geared to impress and pass applicant tracking systems.

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AI-Generated Interview Forms


Interview Prep Platform


AI Resume Generator


Email Scheduling


Why we best?

Dont waste time on search manual tasks. Let Automation do it for you. Simplify workflows, reduce errors, and save time.


AI-Driven Efficiency

Simplifies and enhances every interview step.

Customizable and Shareable

Access tips, mock interviews, and expert insights.

Professional Resumes

Create standout resumes that impress and pass ATS.

Collaborative Community

Share resources and feedback with fellow interviewers.

Top LinkedIn Jobs

Interviewers can check the top LinkedIn interviews as well in our platform

Meet Our Team

The talented individuals behind our product.


Anish Biswas



Subhadeep Roy



Arghya Ghosh


What say clients about us.

Brave is a platform that helps to connect with interviewor around the world


I am very happy with the service provided by Brave.
It is very easy to use and the support team
is always available to help me with any issues.

Jony Scotty

UI Designer

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